Posted by The Right Scoop on June 24th, 2013 in Politics
Krauthammer says that China, Russia and the international community at large doesn’t really care what Obama says because they don’t respect nor fear him:
Bee's note:
Here's a comment posted on The Right Scoop - sums it up nicely:
I agree with Kathy's comment (above). How can we expect Russia, China, or other nations to respect the United States, when our government has been caught spying on its own citizens online, on private phones, and watching the farce, called "Congressional" investigations in Washington, DC. Our leaders don't respect each other and certainly show no respect to the laws of this land, under the US Constitution. At this rate, the train must come to the end of the station sooner or later; and not wishing to see our great nation resort to riots in the street, like the mini-riots last summer by the Occupy Wall Street crowd, we pray for a peaceful, lawful approach, which can only be done through the Provost Marshall General, or quick actions through the House and Congress.