
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Europe's hypocrisy by Dr. Haim Shine

Secretary of State John Kerry with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Washington, DC, in February 2013. (photo credit: Youtube screenshot)

Secretary of State John Kerry with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Washington, DC, in February 2013. (photo credit: Youtube screenshot)

UCI Daily News

Israel Hayom - Dr. Haim Shine,  July 17th, 2013
How fitting that the EU's decision regarding settlements was reported on the day of the Tisha B'av fast, when Jews all over the world mourn the destruction of Jerusalem, the loss of our national sovereignty and our 2,000-year exile from the land. The EU's directive instructs member states not to have contact with Israeli individuals or institutions in parts of Jerusalem that are beyond the Green Line, as well as in Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights.
In addition, the directive says that every future agreement signed with Israel must indicate that the settlements are not part of the state. The EU neglected to mention that for Arab countries, at whose service Europe is acting, Tel Aviv is the biggest settlement of all.
Anyone with eyes in their head realizes that this is a European ploy to return Israel to its 1967 borders and to curry favor with the clusters of Islamic power that are taking over Europe. The only consensus issue for European countries is the desire to place Israel in existential danger. The Middle East is burning, Egypt and Syria are at or near civil war, Iran is loading missiles with nuclear warheads and the EU places Jerusalem above everything else.
It is important for Israeli citizens to realize that the real battle is over Jerusalem, the Jewish people's eternal capital. Settlements like Kedumim, Beit El and Ariel are just pretexts for Europe's unwillingness to see a strong, thriving, enlightened Jewish state moving forward with a united and whole Jerusalem as its capital. Jewish sovereignty flies in the face of Christian theology, on the altar of which all of Europe was soaked in Jewish blood.
Beyond theology, European leaders believe that solving the Jewish-Arab conflict will lead to world peace. This is an illusory fantasy that the State of Israel has been made to pay for time after time. It is a pity that Europe has become so captivated by a desert mirage.
Anyone who wishes to return the State of Israel to its 1967 borders in fact has a single goal, to help Arab countries to lead the Jewish state to the blue line, the last line in their phased plan. This is the evil plan that has guided Arab countries since the outset of Zionism.
It is incumbent on all Israeli citizens to show grit in the face of this ploy. There is no difference between a family that lives in Tel Aviv and Shilo. If Europe's ploy is successful, it will hurt all Israeli citizens wherever they live. All Israeli political parties, Left, Right and Center, must stand shoulder to shoulder and inform the world that the nation of Israel has returned to the land of Israel, not to be at other's mercy but to be an “iron wall” that insists on our right to the land of Israel and our right to defend ourselves. All the nations will understand that after 2,000 years, Jews are no longer willing to be the punching bag of cynical, hypocritical and dangerous political manipulators.
Israel must show determination and leaderly courage. The government must conduct a global front against the European decision with the knowledge that the entire nation is behind it and understands the real meaning of returning to the 1967 borders.
Bee's Note:
The following links may help anyone who wishes to understand more about Israel's sovereignty, and the EU's present day agenda.  Unfortunately, for Israel, the EU's agenda of supporting Morsi/Muslim Brotherhood, along with USA's president Obama, Israel has a tough road ahead in defending itself from world "opinion".  Opinions, when not based on FACTS, have no business (or authority) in determining Israel's borders.  That should also be Israel's response to the so-called "peace talks", headed up by John Kerry.
The Legal Foundation of Jewish Sovereignty of the Land of Israel
Howard Grief's book, "Legal Foundations and Boundaries of Israel under International Law" was one of the first and one of the most complete explanations of Israel's indisputable sovereign rights under international law to Israel, Samaria, Judea, Golan and Gaza. In his memory, we present two of Howard Grief's papers that appeared in Think-Israel. The first is entitled "Legal Rights And Title Of Sovereignty Of The Jewish People To The Land Of Israel And Palestine Under International Law" from the July-August 2005 issue. The original introduction read:
In this essay, Howard Grief brilliantly fulfills his objective "to set down in a brief, yet clear and precise manner the legal rights and title of sovereignty of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and Palestine under international law." This paper should be part of your armamentarium for the next time you are told that Resolution XXX of the U.N. guarantees the rights of the Palestinian Arabs to YYY.
The second article is entitled "The Rights Of The Jewish People Over The Land Of Israel Under International Law" from the January-February 2012 issue. The introduction to the article read:
Howard Grief sets forth the firm legal foundation of Israel being the exclusive owner of the land designated as Jewish by the League of Nations. The Land of Israel — current Israel, Samaria and Judea (aka West Bank), the Golan and Gaza — was given to the Jewish people as a perpetual trust and handed in that condition to the successor to the League of the Nations, the United Nations. This is a clear presentation of the documents that preceded the document of ownership and some of the history of the time. Any whittling away of this trust is illegal, whether it is attempted by a foreign country, the Israeli government or the U.N. itself. The question that remains is why have successive Israeli governments not asserted their claim. For that matter, why would a Jewish government allow control of the Temple Mount, its most holy site, by the Arabs?
Europe’s ruling elites hate Jews. For a while they covered this up well. But it never went away. Today they disguise their hatred as a love for the invented Palestinian cause, but it’s a very thin disguise we should all see through.
EU sources: Settlement directive will be published as planned