
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Explosive: Benghazi Attack Linked to Morsi & Muslim Brotherhood


July 2, 2013
Ambassador Stevens
Photo of Ambassador Stevens after being captured the night of 9/11/12. he appears to be wiping his eye, via frontpagemag

The attack on the US mission in Libya might have been financed and orchestrated by Egyptian President Mohmmad Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. This information comes from a Libyan memo naming six members of a jihadi cell involved in the attack. Allegedly all six were Egyptian and have connections to Morsi. Purportedly, the suspects have claimed they were funded by the Brotherhood and sent to do the job by “Dr. Morsi.”

The cell is also tied to Ansar al-Sharia. On the night of the murders, Libya’s Director of National Security, Mahmour Ibrahim Sharif, made the same claim.
An internal Libyan memo on the Benghazi investigation was translated by Raymond Ibrahim Sharif which supports these assertions. The memo is from a report which resulted from an interrogation of the six subjects by Libyan authorities.

According to researcher and author Sharif, the memo says the six men ‘confessed to very serious and important information concerning the financial sources of the group and the planners of the event and the storming and burning of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi…. And among the more prominent figures whose names were mentioned by cell members during confessions: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi…’”

Some conjecture that the motive behind the attack in Benghazi was to kidnap Stevens and trade him for the Blind Sheik.

As an aside, Libya is now cementing their relations with Morsi in the absence of any leadership out of Washington and after we embarrassed the Libyan President by contradicting his statement that the Benghazi attack was carried out by terrorists linked to al Qaeda.

A caveat here is that these accusations need further confirmation. The memo in question is not readable in the format Mr. Sharif posted. Mr. Sharif did not post a link to the foreign stories quoting the memo.

Within days of the 9/11/12 attack in Libya, stories were coming out of Libya claiming Egypt was involved; the men in the video attacking the mission had Egyptian dialects; and a newly-formed Egyptian terror group, the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades, was allegedly behind the attack.

The terrorist Blind Sheik was close friends with bin Laden and al Zawahiri.
Morsi asked the US for the release of the imprisoned Blind Sheik prior to the attack on the Libyan mission and the US Embassy in Cairo. It was to follow up on a promise Morsi made when he sought election.

The Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades, were first heard of in May after one Jamal Abu Ahmed asked al Zawahiri for permission to form a new Egyptian terror group. The Brigades claimed responsibility for the May 2012 attack on the International Committee on the Red Cross in Benghazi.

The Imprisoned Omar Abdul Brigades released a video of the detonation of the IED at the US consulate North gate on the evening of June 5/6. On June 11, 2012, the Brigades took credit for the bomb attack on the “den of the American Mission in Benghazi City.” They said it was timed with the arrival of a US diplomat. Ambassador Stevens began his service in Libya on June 7 2012.

The Brigades took responsibility for the attack on the British Ambassador in Benghazi on June 11.

This group of radical Egyptians is suspected of orchestrating the 9/11/12 attack on the mission in Benghazi and has taken credit for it.
In September 2012,  Nasser Al-Qaeda, a prominent writer on the Jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam, suggested burning down the US Embassy in Cairo to secure the release of the Blind Sheik.

In October 2012, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri released a video in which he called on Egyptians to kidnap Americans to exchange for the Blind Sheik.
Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the leader of a jihadist brigade that attacked American and European oil workers in January 2013 at a natural gas facility in Algeria, placed Abdul Rahman’s liberty on his list of political demands.

Meanwhile the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades were following the movements of diplomats at the Benghazi mission. Unfortunately, on the day of Ambassador Steven’s arrival – September 10 2012 – the Libyan media posted stories of his movements. It is unknown who revealed Ambassador Stevens’ presence in Benghazi to the press on the eve of 9/11.

Noman Benotman, former leading member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and now at the Quilliam Foundation in London,  had been warning of the likelihood of renewed attacks against U.S. interests in Libya prior to the 9/11 attack.

After the 9/11/12 bombing of the US mission in Libya, Benotman said the deadly attack was likely linked to a video statement released by al-Zawahiri on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

In the video, al-Zawahiri confirmed the death of Libyan terrorist al-Libi — No. 2 man in Zawahiri’s group — adding: “His blood is calling, urging and inciting you to fight and kill the crusaders.” The video shows nighttime explosions around the US consulate in Benghazi along with images of bin Laden, al-Zawahiri, and the 9/11 attacks.

Another video was released by the Brigades after the 9/11 attack, taking credit for it, and explaining that the attacktargeted the Christians supervising the management of the consulate.” The group further explained the reason for the attack was that “This operation is considered a response to the attempt of targeting Shaykh Abu Yahya Al-Liby…and in response for disturbing the purity of Libya’s sky by the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, operated by the American forces.”
Lastly, they warned, “we say to the Americans and the enemies of Islam: you will not dream of security and safety if we do not live it practically in the Muslim homelands.”

On May 31st, 2013, Front Page Magazine translated a video shot by one of the Benghazi attackers. It shows a mob approaching the Libyan compound as it was under attack shouting, “Mahadesh, mahadesh yermi, Dr. Morsi ba`atna” — which translates to: “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, Dr. Morsi sent us.”

Also suspected in the attacks were affiliates Ansar al-Sharia, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al Qaeda in Iraq, and al Qaeda in  the Arabian Peninsula. They are all the same people, tightly networked under al Qaeda’s top leader al Zawahiri. A leader in the network connecting these groups is Jamal Abu Ahmed.

When Egyptian terrorist Jamal Abu Ahmed was imprisoned in Egypt earlier this year (February), Mohammed Morsi would not allow the US to interrogate him about Benghazi. Ahmed was strongly suspected of being behind the attacks and having formed the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades and/or trained the fighters who attacked the consulate.

Ahmed is on video training terrorists believed to have taken part in the Libyan attack. He is a mortar expert.

Ahmed is an important link in the a network of Egyptian jihadists. He was known to be behind a new al Qaeda group, possibly the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades, and was in Libya on the night of the attack.

Abu had been released from prison after the overthrow of Mubarek. He was formerly a member of Al-Zawahiri’s group.

Ahmed is close to the Al Zawahiri brothers and one brother, Mohammed al Zawahiri has been agitating for the release of the Blind Sheik. According to the Weekly Standard, Mohammed Zawahiri was also behind the Benghazi attack.
Al-Zawahiri admitted helping orchestrate the 9/11/12 Cairo protest turned riot. The attack in Cairo, while the Mohammed video was used as one reason for it, was part of a much larger protest against the US and US foreign policy.
Ahmed was one of the first three terrorists identified by the FBI as suspects in the Benghazi attack.

Mohammed Morsi, the man we gave $1.6 billion, fighter jets and tanks to this past year, has since released Abu Ahmed from prison.


Bee's note:
Not one news station has reported the link between Morsi and Benghazi since the fall of Morsi last week - not one!  Could it be that this is too much of an embarrassment to the administration and the White House, that even Fox News remains silent?  The congressional investigations into Benghazi should begin reading the Conservative blogs and news - because they certainly haven't gotten to the bottom of the people responsible; not from this White House, State Department, FBI, CIA, or any federal group.  
Here's a question: "If American citizens, like the author of this article, are able to piece the puzzle together, why has it taken almost a year from the date our Ambassador and three American heroes have been murdered for Congress to get the answers they seek?"  And, where are the witnesses from Benghazi?  Who gave the orders to "stand down" or "remain where they are"?  

Why hasn't anyone taken responsibility for the deaths of our tortured Ambassador and the Navy Seals?  

Americans are so sick of being lied to by this administration.  To say we're fed up would be an understatement.