
Friday, July 26, 2013

WHOA!… Obama Links Founding Fathers to Communist Tyrant and Murderer Ho Chi Minh

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, July 25, 2013, 3:29 PM

What did we do to deserve this?
We now have a sitting president linking our Founding Fathers to a Communist tyrant, murderer and enemy of America.  Unbelievable!
ho chi washington
Barack Obama believes communist and murderer Ho Chi Minh was influenced by our Founding Fathers.
Has Barack ever heard of the Killing Fields?
Bridget Johnson at the PJ Tatler reported:
President Obama hailed hard-core communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh today as a pretty open guy who was actually inspired by the Founders.
Obama took a break from his jobs-pivot speeches to meet Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang at the White House. The pair held joint remarks in the Oval Office afterward.
Obama said their first bilateral meeting “represents the steady progression and strengthening of the relationship between our two countries.”
After meeting with the leader of a country that persecutes and imprisons bloggers and priests, suppresses media and any form of political dissent and uses forced labor, Obama said they “discussed the challenges that all of us face when it comes to issues of human rights.”
“We emphasized how the United States continues to believe that all of us have to respect issues like freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly,” the president continued. “And we had a very candid conversation about both the progress that Vietnam is making and the challenges that remain.”
The visit by Sang, he said, “signifies the maturing and the next stage of the development between the United States and Vietnam.”
Obama said Sang concluded the meeting by sharing “a copy of a letter sent by Ho Chi Minh to Harry Truman.”
“And we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson. Ho Chi Minh talks about his interest in cooperation with the United States. And President Sang indicated that even if it’s 67 years later, it’s good that we’re still making progress.”
Evidently, all of those years sitting in the pews at Rev. Wright’s church rubbed off on young Barry.