
Monday, August 26, 2013

Blog: Point of no return

Americans Stand with Israel
by Bee Sting
August 26, 2013 - Monday

Four years of blogging have piled up more "favorites" in my "bookmarks" than I'll ever be able to review and there just never seems to be enough time to remove hundreds of saved links.  However, today I began searching for an old link I had used (approximately three years ago) when the topic of Iraq's Jewish artifacts were to be returned to Iraq, instead of its rightful owners.  To my surprise, after an hour's search, it came to me that part of the name of the blog had the word "point" in its title.   The moment I typed in Google search "point - Iraqi Jews" the blog appeared and I found an old friend!.  I have added "Point of no return" to my "links" on the sidebar for easy access.  Here is an introduction to a remarkable site that you, too, may wish to save and forward to your friends.:

still photographs of Ezekiel's shrine taken in Iraq in 2010/2011 are exclusive to Point of No Return (we are grateful to the senders). They show the shrine in a parlous state of repair.

Point of no return
Information and links about the Middle East's forgotten Jewish refugees, updated daily
Click picture for Facebook page