
Friday, August 2, 2013

CNN BOMBSHELL and Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report (Videos)

CNN BOMBSHELL - Dozens of CIA Operatives on the Ground During Benghazi Attack - Ongoing CIA Cover-up -

The CIA has been ordering agents with first-hand, on-the-ground knowledge of Benghazi to keep silent under threat of "You will jeopardize your family."

CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, in the wake of the deadly Benghazi terror attack.

Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the assault by armed militants last September 11 in eastern Libya.

Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.

The CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency's Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.

Read More:

h/t Jack WV

Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report: “It’s Iran-Contra Times a Thousand”
The Great One responding shortly after the CNN report was released about dozens of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi and how the Agency is subjecting employees to heavy frequency of polygraph testing.
Levin’s two cents gives us an idea at the depth of this cover up because of his knowledge of the Iran-Contra scandal from the 80′s. For those who don’t know Levin was chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese during the Reagan administration.
Once again Levin names John Boehner as the problem to getting to the bottom of this scandal like the others. It makes you wonder what deals he’s with Darth Hussein!?
You see kids what they did was run guns into Libya, via Amb Stevens, during the Libyan uprising when folks like McCain were calling for us to send aid. His calls for aid were to legitimize what was already going on. The same holds for Syria, we practically heard the same language being used by the same people like McCain! While the CIA was engaged in a recovery operation to get the weapons back from the Libyan rebels Amb Stevens set up camp in Benghazi to facilitate arms shipments to Syria via Turkey!
Those dozens of operatives know what happened, they can probably confirm what I am saying here which would not go over well for Obama. So that’s why survivors are beingdispersed around the country and having their names changed!
and, for more:

BREAKING: Obama Dispersing Benghazi Survivors Around US

Published on Aug 1, 2013
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was on with Greta Van Susteren tonight to discuss the Obama scandals. This was after Jake Tapper on CNN broke the news today that there were "dozens" of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on 9-11 when the consulate came under attack. Gowdy told Greta the Obama Administration is hiding the survivors, dispersing them around the country, AND changing their names.
And, at the same time Obama is calling this a 'phony' scandal.