
Friday, August 9, 2013

Indonesian Islamists - Ramadan - Molotov Cocktails

Indonesian Islamists Celebrate Ramadan – Muslims Toss Molotov Cocktails Into Christian School 

(Hussein Obama was raised in Indonesia from the ages of 6 to 11. Doesn't that give you a warm, gooey feeling inside? Remember, Obama says, "Respect it!, kuffar!")

“Mgr Ignatius Suharyo, archbishop of Jakarta, has appealed to the Catholic community in the Indonesian capital to remain ‘vigilant’ of possible attacks, but also to be ‘friendly and cooperative toward others.’

As violent acts against defenseless citizens and religious minorities continue in the world’s most populous Muslim country, alarm levels remain high following a double bombing at a Buddhist temple last Sunday.

The prelate issued his warning yesterday via the archdiocese’s mailing list, which includes Catholic priests and community leaders, after petrol bombs were thrown in the early morning inside the compound of the Assisi Catholic School in Tebet, South Jakarta.

The handmade devices thrown at the Catholic school and the two rudimentary bombs that blew up at the Vihara Buddhist temple in Kebun Jeruk, West Jakarta, are symptomatic of the high tensions that currently prevail in the country, which is increasingly threatened by Islamic extremism.


h/t   Jack WV