
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Is Damascus Obama’s Gulf of Tonkin Lie

Americans Stand with Israel
by Bee Sting
August 28, 2013

My friends over at Grumpy Opinions have written the following commentary that you do not want to miss out reading; and for those who are not familiar with Grumpy Opinions, it is one of the most popular Conservative News blogs on the Web.  One of the reasons "Grumpy" is a Blog to link to is the fact that he has many contributors who share their own individual commentaries/articles and "variety is the spice of life" is the best way to describe Grumpy's Place.  The article below is written by "Grumpy":

Is Damascus Obama’s Gulf of 

Tonkin Lie

August 28, 2013
You might have to be over 60 to remember this

“For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.”

Almost 60,000 Americans died because the Navy might have been shooting at whales…

download (15)
 If you follow the news you might very well remember the headline above..  The story vanished a few days later, but Yahoo picked up on it before it disappeared..

Yahoo News 1-30-13: US ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt’

A new report, that contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence, showed a scheme ‘approved by Washington’.
As per the scheme ‘Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons,’ the Daily Mail reports.
Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.
 I know it’s easy enough for some people to get it wrong every now and then- That’s probably why no-one made a big deal out of it at the time… A little mis-communication, the Guardian didn’t want to keep a story the Obama administration claimed was a lie, so everyone conveniently forgot the whole thing..
Until May when the Administration again claimed Assad had used chemical weapons against civilians..  The usaul Senate Chickensh*t Hawks started demanding Obama keep his promise to attack Assad if he used chemical weapons, and for a couple days it looked like we were headed for war..
There was only one problem

UN distances itself from claim that Syrian rebels used nerve gas

GENEVA, May 6 (Reuters) – U.N. war crimes investigators have reached no conclusions on whether any side in the Syrian war has used chemical weapons, the inquiry commission said on Monday, playing down a suggestion from one of the team that rebel forces had done so.
Investigator Carla Del Ponte caught U.N. officials by surprise on Sunday when she said the commission had gathered testimony from casualties and medical staff indicating that rebel forces had used the banned nerve agent sarin.
“The independent international Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic wishes to clarify that it has not reached conclusive findings as to the use of chemical weapons in Syria by any parties to the conflict,” it said in a statement.
Read all of:

UN distances itself from claim that Syrian rebels used nerve gas

It turned out to be Obama’s Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood pals who’d used the nerve gas..  The same kind of terrorists Chief Senate Chickensh*t Hawk John McCain flew to Syria to have his picture taken with terrorists

US Senator John McCain (C-L) posing for a picture with terrorist  leader, "General" Salim Idris (C-R) and other members of the CIA's  death squads in the Syrian border town of Bab al-Salam, near Turkey,  on May 27, 2013. (M. Moustafa/HO/"Syrian Emergency Task Force
US Senator John McCain (C-L) posing for a picture with terrorist
leader, “General” Salim Idris (C-R) and other members of the CIA’s
death squads in the Syrian border town of Bab al-Salam, near Turkey,
on May 27, 2013. (M. Moustafa/HO/”Syrian Emergency Task Force
 Now it appears our politicians figure enough time has lapsed for Americans to have forgotten all about the May Nerve Gas incident.
So as Yogi Berra would say, ” we have  Déjà vu all over again.”

Kerry Cites Clear Evidence of Chemical Weapon Use in Syria

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the use of chemical weapons in attacks on civilians in Syria last week was undeniable and that the Obama administration would hold the Syrian government accountable for a “moral obscenity” that has shocked the world’s conscience.
All the same jackasses asses are ready to go to war on the side of the terrorists..  Bill O’Reilly who I once respected Bill O’Reilly Says Only ‘Loons’ Oppose U.S. Intervention in Syria,
America’s Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says the United States is Ready for war..  Our Mediterranean Navy Fleet which was no where to be found during the attack on Benghazi has moved towards the Eastern end of the Mediterranean .. Ready to launch missiles at Syria the second the President gives the Go Ahead..
Maybe, just maybe we should slow up..
There is mounting evidence that once again it was Obama’s Al Qaeda and Muslim Brother Hood friends who used the freaking gas in Damascus.. If so it will be the third time in less than a year the administration has accused Assad of using nerve gas to cover the crimes of the Christian killing terrorists Obama supports..
Lets take a look, staring with Walid Shoebat

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

……That doesn’t square with a video uploaded on August 23, 2013, in which Free Syrian operatives threatened to launch chemical weapons:
Click the picture to visit Shoebat - he as several video's of the incident
Click the picture to visit Shoebat – he as several video’s of the incident
A day later, on August 24th, a video was uploaded and featured on facebook that purports to show Syrian rebels loading what very well may be a rocket armed with some sort of chemical agent. The tip of the rocket is armed with a light blue tank or canister that very well contains a nerve agent. At the end of this video, two separate launches of these rockets can be seen:
Read all of Shoebat’s evidence and watch the video’s

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

I know, you know, Walid Shoebat isn’t one of Obama’s biggest fans, because of that some people might question his motives.. so let’s look a little farther..
Let’s start with Russian Deputy Premier Calls West ‘Monkey With Hand Grenade’ On Second thought maybe we better pass on that..
Here we go.. From Haarwtz
Lavrov said last Wednesday’s alleged chemical attack, which UN chemical weapons experts began investigating on Monday, was probably the work of rebels who wanted to derail plans by Washington and Moscow to hold talks on Syria’s future.
 From the Assyrain International News Agency

Syrian Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas, Not Assad’s Regime: U.N. Official

Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday.
Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.
But she said her panel had not yet seen any evidence of Syrian government forces using chemical weapons, according to the BBC, but she added that more investigation was needed.
Read More

Syrian Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas, Not Assad’s Regime: U.N. Official

The truth of the matter is we don’t know who is behind the most recent chemical weaposn attack in Syria..  We do know the rebels, very possibly with help help from the Obama Administration have used Chemical Weapons against civilians in the past..
We know that Barack Obama has suppprted the Muslim Brotherhood at every opportunity…  We know that he tried using a stupid video to cover up the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda’s involvement in the Benghazi attack..  In fact now we can say confidently that his Egyptian Pal Morsi was directly involved in the attack
Maybe we should wait for the UN before start acting like a monkey with a grenade

On August 4, another patrol off the North Vietnamese coast was launched by the destroyers Maddox and theC. Turner Joy during a period of rough weather and heavy seas. The destroyer crews received radar, sonar, and radio signals that they believed to indicate another attack by North Vietnamese patrol boats, and they responded by firing on radar targets for some two hours. At 0127 Washington time, however, the Maddox commander sent the following cable:
Review of action makes many reported contacts and torpedoes fired appear doubtful. Freak weather effects on radar and overeager sonar men may have accounted for so many reports. No actual visual sightings by Maddox. Suggest complete evaluation before any further action taken.2
Unfortunately, no such complete evaluation was made for several years. Within hours, President Johnson ordered an air strike against the patrol boat bases and fueling facilities and, later that evening, went on national television to report that U.S. naval forces had been attacked. A few days later, however, Johnson commented privately that

“For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.”

Almost 60,000 Americans died because the Navy might have been shooting at whales… and Lyndon Baines Johnson wanted a war