
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Million Muslim March on D.C. Intentionally Set for 11 September 2013 Anniversary of WTC Terrorist Attack


First, let me start by saying that I am not trying to scare anyone and that I’m not asking anyone to think like me. But I am asking people to think. I have many friends in the military who are keeping me up to date on the UN forces that are amassing here in OUR Republic.

The “Million Muslim March” on DC, set for 9/11/2013, is when I expect “things to get out of control.” And this POTUS may try to take advantage of the situation (and by “executive order” begin Martial Law.)With the MASSIVE buildup of UN Forces added to the Islamic Jihad Terrorists already positioned in this country, I believe something may happen; and we better be prepared.

Obama knows we’re all on to him
, and he’s being backed into a corner with all of these scandals surrounding him. So what better way to stir up trouble than to have his Muslim brothers amass in DC.? No doubt they’ll have some instigators stir something up. Karl Marx said that “The masses are too stupid and ignorant to understand how good communism will be for them, so they need to be forced down that path, by any and all means possible. Lie, deceive, create class and race warfare issues, and use catastrophes (and if there are none, make some up; the ends justify the means)” Lets face it: Obama wants to be king, and what better way to begin Martial Law than to have his Terrorist Brothers cause problems?

Islamic jihad terrorists are well positioned here and have been for quite a while. Of the world’s 1.9 billion claimed by Islamic leaders, there are an estimated 7-10 million Muslims in the U.S. That is up from 5 million estimated 10 years ago. I believe the 7-10 million is a low-ball figure. No one knows for sure because our Census laws do not allow us to ask about religious affiliation.

All Muslims say the same shahada – confession of faith – There is no God but Allah. Muhammad is Allah’s prophet. That sets the stage for taking over the world for Allah, the establishment of a worldwide caliphate with Sharia Law, forced conversion of all infidels – unbelievers in Islam, subjugation in dhimmi of those who will not convert, or elimination of those who have converted or not at the whim of some Islamist leader (starting with any who have left Islam, then in order moving on to Jews, Christians, and others.)

Obama has said there are 2000 mosques, Islamic societies, and such in the U.S. now, up from 1200 10 years ago. Obama should know due to the strong influences on him by Islamists and Marxists; his installing Islamist and Marxist operatives in his tyrannical, despotic, evil regime; and hosting hundreds of Islamist visitors at the White House for consultations with him. The Islamists include Valerie Jarrett – Obama’s closest advisor, born in Iran – and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s adviser Huma Abedin – who has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

You can search online and get maps of the locations of: 1) the mosques, etc., 2) Islamic jihad terrorist fundraising sites, and 3) Islamic jihad terrorist training sites in the U.S. The mosques, etc. and fundraising sites maps are near mirror images. The training sites are under Jamaat al-Fuqra.

A specific purpose of Jamaat al-Fuqra is to recruit and train domestic terrorists in the US. The two Pakistani brothers arrested in Ft. Lauderdale last year may well have been trained by Jamaat al-Fuqra. Naturalized US citizens, they were planning terrorist attacks in the US with WMDs, according to the FBI.

If people are even semi-conscious (and not deaf, blind, and dumb), they should remember the Ft. Hood Massacre, when US Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan ran around screaming “Alahu akubar” and gunning down US soldiers, their family members, and other citizens. There were also two young, unarmed US Army recruits shot down in front of a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting station in that time frame. Various other plots have been thwarted. One was for an attack with bombs and real assault rifles, machine guns, etc. on Ft. Dix, NJ. An alert citizen got law enforcement onto that plot. He was and still is a camera and photoshop owner who saw pictures the plotters brought in for processing at his business.

According to a recent report, Obama has requested that at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster.

Also in the report, DHS head Janet Napolitano said these Russian troops would work “directly and jointly” with FEMA, whose mission in part is to secure the continuity of the US government in the event of natural disasters or war.

Important to note, this report says, is that FEMA Region III (the area Russian troops were requested for) includes Washington D.C. and the surrounding States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

h/t  Jack WV