
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Naftali Bennett: "The idea of ​​a dead Palestinian state - I believe that the talks will not lead anything"

Americans Stand with Israel

Abbas attends ceremony marking 8th anniversary of Arafat's death

Bee's note:  
News interview translated from Hebrew.  I share this because it is important to understand how Israeli's think and more importantly, "why".  Israeli news (or truth) will not be found (or reported) in America's "main stream media" - ever!  Why?  Well, you would have to ask them why they prefer printing White House propaganda, rather than world news.

Naftali Bennett describes previous "peace" agreements - including, with the PLO/Fatah, the organization the West/obama/Kerry recognizes as "moderate" and the best deal offered to Israel; an "offer" Israel cannot refuse.  Well, not according to Bennett, who takes the time to explain the many reasons why "peace" with these "PLO/Palestinians" is a process of failure from its beginnings.  Israel says, "broken promises" are like arrows shot through the heart of every Israeli - 'never again'.

However, just as Obama/Kerry support the Muslim Brotherhood, they are supporting these "Palestinian" terrorists and, sadly, are backing the wrong horse again!  They play games with our most treasured ally, Israel - games that could cost the lives of many Israelis and the security of Israel.

Hasn't it occurred to anyone in Washington that if we lose Israel, we lose - period?!  Every Arab/Islamic country in the Middle East is on flames, or sitting on a powder keg and this administration's obsession centers around the only democratic country in the Middle East - Israel.  

Is that what we, the United States, have come down to - supporting the enemies of our nation and that of our allies? Someone truly needs to stop this insanity. America is the laughing stock of the "free" world, due to an inept leadership, under Barack Obama.  He was right when he said, "This is above his pay grade".  

Yasser Arafat looking down on his protege - Barack Obama

Naftali Bennett: "The idea of ​​a dead Palestinian state - I believe that the talks will not lead anything"
Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, soothing the public national camp, despite negotiations being played these days between Israel and the Arab state "Palestinian" is not established, and that idea is dead: "I am aware that the Israeli government is negotiating with Abu - Mazen. I do not believe it would give anything, so I was in government. however, the role of the people of Israel to present the truth.'ll do everything I can to prevent another such disaster. " Bennett says.

00:18 (21/08/13) Isaac Matalon

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, soothing the public national camp, despite negotiations being played these days between Israel and the Arab state "Palestinian" is not established, and that idea is dead: "I am aware that the Israeli government is negotiating with Abu - Mazen. I do not believe it would give anything, so I was in government. however, the role of the people of Israel to present the truth.

'll do everything I can to prevent another such disaster. " Minister Bennett writes his Facebook page.  And adds: "We voted for all ministers Jewish home against the Liberation horrible of killers, but unfortunately it did not help. Our role in all of us, especially the younger generation, do not get tired, do not give up, to instill hope and strength to the hearts of the Israeli public.

Terminate the weakness and desperation lead us to deliver our country . convince the people of Israel really is. Contrary to what they say, there is not - a few alternatives to the idea of ​​Palestinian state. " Minister Bennett writes.

 Bennett said the Oslo Accords, these days the age of 20 years, and writes that as a soldier he did not believe that Yitzhak Rabin shake the hand Rabbi murderous Yasser Arafat: "I remember just days before the ceremony of signing the Oslo agreement first. At that time my friend and I , both teams Magellanic commanders had not believed until the last moment that the prime minister Yitzhak Rabin shake your hand does Rabbi murderous Yasser Arafat. would seem to us like a hallucination.

it happened. every newspaper headlines heralded peace, and I could not believe that we really are going to import the terrorist organization of fire "Jeff into our country. The biggest killer of all, Yasser Arafat! ... After a few months it started. Suicide attacks. Something we did not know Israel. At first suicide attack in Afula. 8 deaths. Then Hadera. This time, the city's central station. 5 dead. "Victims of peace" they called them. Creepy new term came into the world ... " "Then - came the biggest shock" describes the Minister Bennett "suicide bombing at Dizengoff Center. 22 dead in Tel - Aviv. Anyone who was in the country remember the horrible pictures. Never forget.,

And the flow is not stopped. Beit Lid - Over 20 soldiers were killed in a suicide bombing . Ramat Gan-6, Jerusalem (near a school Rene Cassin) -4 killed, Jerusalem Central Bus Station -26 deaths. then day after day in Jerusalem (19 killed), and Dizengoff (13 killed) and many more. During this period, the 90 , explained to us that in fact Hamas is trying to undermine peace, but "Fatah are good." "

Then came the Camp David summit, where Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered PLO most of Judea and Samaria, the division of Jerusalem, delivered three-quarters of the Old City to the Palestinians and others. Arafat refused Barak's liquidation sale, and we opened the gates of hell - the second intifada.

"Writes Bennett. "Israel has become a disaster area. Than 1000 Israelis were killed in the streets of Jerusalem, Tel - Aviv, Haifa. Dolphinarium in Tel Aviv was embedded in the national consciousness after dozens of young people were murdered there., All led by the PLO," our partners ". Yes, not Hamas. -

I'm telling you this, because our young people do not remember that. "Bennett notes. "The peak reached in March 2002. Seder. Park. Suicide bomber murders 30 (!) Israelis and injured 160. Heard about it while I was in New - York  My CEO. I got on the first plane back to Israel to join my colleagues in fighting during "Operation Defensive Shield" concept re Judea and Samaria. Only then - gradually - the attacks diminished.

 So much so that suicide bombings were almost zero. Yes, no agreements, no "peace." Thanks IDF and Shin Bet. Thanks drudgery, everyday. Thanks to our presence in the West Bank "

 Minister Bennett finishes and writes: "Contrary to what they say, there is not - a few alternatives to the idea of ​​Palestinian state. Anyway, next time you're told," There is another option - have a Palestinian state, "to shut up. Present to the truth. Has an alternative - the State of Israel is strong ".