
Thursday, August 8, 2013

The government does not have authority to hide the identity of a "President"

The government does not have authority to hide the identity and agenda of those who have fraudulently assumed the Office of President! To do so is in fact a coup against the American voters!

Unbenannt 2
Will “We the People of the United States,” who govern ourselves by means of elected representatives as established in Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, ever be formally informed by those who claim to be our “representatives,” by our “Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court” and “judges” in other courts of the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., based on his own emphatic claims, is not a “natural born Citizen,” (i.e., that Obama’s “father,” Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a Kenyan and British subject who was not in his life a U.S. citizen), as required byArticle 2, Sec. 1 clause 5 of our Constitution? Why are these legal elites refusing to formally acknowledge that Obama is not a “natural born Citizen”? There are only two possible answers to this question:
Answer 1: Because they have been conspiring with Obama and other co-conspirators against the “natural born Citizen” requirement.
Answer 2: Because they  have known all along  that Obama’s real father is not Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. and have been hiding his grooming and their communist AGENDA, i.e., campaign for revolutionary CHANGE”.
NOTE: In both answers above all the three branches have been conspiring together against our representative form of government—hiding Obama’s true identity and their agenda from the American voters, and appointing one another to positions of authority to protect themselves from accountability. This is why the “U.S. Department of Justice,” “representatives in Congress, “justices,” and“judges” in the “courts” have been refusing formal inquiries and dismissing cases having to do with Obama’s identification; especially his false birth certificate.
Malcolm X had the same height (6’2” — 6’3”) and physical features: Identical hairline, jawline, and other distinctive facial features, close similarities that are not shared by the Kenyan man (Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.) nor by any other members of the Luo tribe bloodline in Kenya.
These two do not look related.
Obama and the man born in Nebraska as Malcolm Little also share similarities in speaking cadence and style, a wry sense of humor, and a flashing smile.
NOTE: Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama and his wife’s pastor in Chicago, also said, “The chickens are coming home to roost.” And Obama wrote in his book, Dreams from My Father, of the huge impact Malcolm X’s memoir had on him, as no others did. He wrote, “Only Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different. His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me.” If Malcolm is Obama’s father, then the title “Dreams from My Father” would indeed take on a whole new meaning, with Obama, Sr. as a paternal proxy, a stand-in for a revolutionary whose identity the self-creating son could never reveal if his ambitions, and his father’s ambitions for him, were to be realized.
As Malcolm X’s biological son, it would fully explain all the secrecy of Obama’s identity and why he was so generously helped and groomed by many Muslim and communist “friends in high places” long before he was “somebody.” Malcolm X ensured that his son would learn the ways of Islam, be tutored by the socialist ideologues of his time, and his future entirely funded by Saudi financiers.
And due to the fact that these so called “representatives” in Congress, that“Chief Justice John Roberts,” who has sworn Obama in twice as “President,”and “judges” in other courts have all known that the Kenyan “father” was not a U.S. citizen, but continue refusing to formally inquire as to Obama’s issuance of a fraudulent birth certificate, another very serious question is raised: By what authority have they been hiding from the American voters of Obama’s identity? There really is only one lawful answer to this question:
The only lawful answer: They do not have authority to hide from the American voters the identity of somebody who has fraudulently assumed the Office of President. 
Obama’s issuance of a false birth certificate and the fact all the three branches of“government” have been hiding the truth from the American voters is a very serious matter, not only because it brings into question Obama’s true identity, but reveals that the entire “government” has been defrauding American voters, willfully conspiring against Article 1 of our Constitution.
The majority of the American voters now know, (but not until after Obama’s first term in our White House), that his claim to be the son of a man who was never a U.S. citizen disqualified him as “someone” to be President, as specified in Article 2, Section 1, clause 5 of our Constitution. And most of the voters also now know that their so called “representatives” knew that Obama was ineligible while they were voting in 2008 and 2012, but did not inform them, nor did any“representative” confront this fact when they were counting the electoral votes, even though every “representative” had the responsibility to do so. Therefore, members of Congress and Chief Justice John Roberts, all legal elites who knew Obama was ineligible, appointed Obama as President, not only once, but twice. Obama has in fact never been formally elected by the American People.
Apparently withholding information (secrecy) has become the norm in Washington, even in willful violation of the rule of law.
And when this question is coupled with the facts that these “representatives in Congress” and Chief Justice John Roberts (all legal elites) knew that Obama’s claimed father (Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a British subject) disqualified Obama, but they did not inform the American voters in 2008 and 2012, and now continue blocking a formal inquiry as to Obama’s ineligibility, his issuance of a fraudulent birth certificate and other fraudulent acts give us reason to remove all these “representatives” who are defrauding us.
NOTE: Most “members of Congress” and “judges” and “justices” in the courts are in fact traitors as well as those who do not want to confront themselves for allowing tyranny to flourish in the United States. This is why they are refusing to confront the many willful violations of the rule of law. In other words, they do not do their jobs (no checks on powers and no balance).  As President Carter has recently said, “There is no functioning democracy in America.”
So, are Malcolm X Barack Hussein Obama, Jr’s father? I don’t think so, nor do I think Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. is Obama, Jr’s father. In the first video below Obama says, “My father served in World War II and when he got home he got the services he needed.” When Malcolm X appeared as Malcolm Little before the draft board, the board deemed him “mentally disqualified for military service,” and Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was too young to have served in World War II.
The majority of the American voters now know, (but not until after Obama’s first term in our White House), that his claim to be the son of a man who was never a U.S. citizen disqualified him as “someone” to be President, as specified in Article 2, Section 1, clause 5 of our Constitution. And most of the voters also now know that their so called “representatives” knew that Obama was ineligible while they were voting in 2008 and 2012, but did not inform them, nor did any“representative” confront this fact when they were counting the electoral votes, even though every “representative” had the responsibility to do so. Therefore, members of Congress and Chief Justice John Roberts, all legal elites who knew Obama was ineligible, appointed Obama as President, not only once, but twice. Obama has in fact never been formally elected by the American People.
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