
Thursday, August 22, 2013

UPDATE: To All Elected Officials in Washington, DC:

Americans Stand with Israel
by Bee Sting
August 22, 2013


Obama Bankrolled Attack on the Benghazi Consulate

The report on this video is not "new" news: it has been widely reported over the past 7-10 days and the MEDIA has refused to open up talks/questions that are coming straight out of Egypt, by the very organization (Muslim Brotherhood) Obama has supported since Morsi was first elected.  I'll even go so far as to ask if this was the primary reason for McCain/Graham's visit to Egypt two weeks ago. (?)

Obama has managed to escape taking responsibility on his "watch" for every scandal and investigation in Washington, DC; his fingerprints are on all of them, because no matter who pulled the switch, it all leads to the White House;  Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, BENGHAZI,, etc.  And now, add the "Muslim Brotherhood", a terrorist organization that had nothing to do with the security or best interests of our nation, (uses as an excuse to send aid , F-16's, military tanks, and rivers of cash flowing into Egypt, under Morsi's short leadership) and you can add "aiding and abetting" to the long list of scandals presently under congressional investigations in Washington.

When will this madness end?  When Congress does its job; the one they were hired to do; and begin representing the people of the United States and stop allowing the cover-ups to continue day after day, week after week, and leading into years of corrupt leadership of a government that should be "for the people, by the people".

Obama's BROTHER Malik Is Executive Secretary For Muslim Brotherhood's Islamic Da’wa Organization; Malik Has Direct Ties To IRS Supervisor Lois Lerner... 

To all elected officials in Washington DC: 
As the owners of the American government, "We the People" demand you immediately investigate this. That you do so with full visibility for your employers to see. The American people will not under any circumstance allow a sitting POTUS to be directly affiliated with or worse yet, an actual member of any terrorist group. Including but not limited to, the Muslim Brotherhood.

America's people stand 100% behind General Sisi, Egypt's military and Her freedom loving citizens. We're grateful for the revelations contained in this report. Rest assured Egypt, this matter will be seen through to its proper conclusion.

NEW YORK – President Obama’s half-brother in Kenya could cause the White House more headaches over new evidence linking him to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and establishing that controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner signed his tax-exempt approval letter.

Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali.

Full report here
America's people stand 100% behind General Sisi, Egypt's military and Her freedom loving citizens. We're grateful for the revelations contained in this report. Rest assured Egypt, this matter will be seen through to its proper conclusion.

NEW YORK – President Obama’s half-brother in Kenya could cause the White House more headaches over new evidence linking him to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and establishing that controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner signed his tax-exempt approval letter.

Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali.

Full report here

H/T  Jack WV