
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Victims of Muslim Brotherhood Describe Torture, Electric Shocks, Murder

August 14, 2013 By  
Obama and McCain insist that the Muslim Brotherhood must be part of the new Egypt. This is the vision that they have for that new Egypt.
“They stamped on his face,” said his cousin, Aly al-Masry, 20, who told Sabet’s story from his bedside as he drifted in and out of consciousness. “He has three stab wounds, a bullet hole through his leg and stick marks all over his body. There are bruises where he was dragged along the asphalt.”
There is now mounting evidence that some Brotherhood loyalists within the pro-Morsy sit-ins  — which up until now had remained largely peaceful — are indeed armed, and have committed what some human rights groups describe as torture against their political opponents. In interviews, multiple Egyptians who clashed with or observed the pro-Morsy sit-ins describe being beaten and fired on by Morsy supporters.
Amnesty International released a report on Aug. 2 in which anti-Morsy protesters recount being “captured, beaten, subjected to electric shocks or stabbed” at the Islamists’ two encampments in the Cairo districts of Nasr City and Giza. Ten citizens have reportedly filed torture complaints at local police stations, Amnesty reported. And the violence has even claimed lives: “[W]e were told by the morgue five bodies bearing the marks of torture were found near both camps,” says Mohamed Lofty, an Amnesty researcher.
The body of 32-year-old tuk-tuk driver Amr, whose family requested that his full name not be published, was one of those found bearing signs of torture near a pro-Morsy sit-in. Amr’s corpse was dumped naked and mutilated by a metro station near the Giza encampment on July 20.
“I didn’t know my own brother from the body in the morgue. You could see the burn marks,” said his sister Samah, 35. “He was beaten by sticks everywhere from his head to his feet, and they electrocuted his face and his chest.”
Amr was on his way to the neighborhood near the encampment when he went missing on July 17.Days later, the police tracked Amr’s phone to a man based in the Giza camp, who said he had found the phone in the sit-in and claimed Amr had been accused of spying and stealing by the protesters. Samah believes Amr was tortured to death inside the sit-in.
Meanwhile Obama Inc. is warning Egyptian authorities not to crack down on the so-called sit ins. Because they’re not supposed to disrupt another branch of the Morsi torture-and-murder factory.
But there are people that the Muslim Brotherhood still knows are on their side.
Cameraman Shehab Eldin Abdel Razeq, 23, who works for ONTV, a television channel widely perceived to be anti-Morsy, was one of the victims of the protesters’ anger. He sustained head injuries after he was beaten with sticks in the Nasr City sit-in on the day of Morsy’s ouster. “They took me to a tent where there were five other people, bound and in a mess,” he said. “I had to pretend that I worked for an American network.”
American networks get better treatment from the Brotherhood than Egyptian ones. Anyone want to take a stab as to why that might be so?
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

Bee's note:

and "Breaking" news, reported on The Jerusalem Post, Obama tells Egypt 'traditional cooperation cannot continue'
WASHINGTON -- US President Barack Obama notified the Egyptian military that "traditional cooperation cannot continue" so long as civilians are being killed in the streets of Cairo, he said today from a vacation home in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Canceling Operation Bright Star, a biennial military exercise between the US and Egypt in the Sinai that began in 1980, the president also directed his national security team to reassess other aspects of the relationship between the two nations.
"We deplore violence against civilians," he said. "We oppose the pursuit of martial law."
As Daniel Greenfield noted in his commentary, the Muslim Brotherhood still knows who is on their side and the guess work has been removed this morning, as Obama tells Egypt "cooperation cannot continue".  

Isn't it fascinating that during Morsi's first year as "president" of Egypt, Obama couldn't wait to send them F-16's, military tanks, and MILLIONS of DOLLARS?!  

We've been saying all along that Obama has been arming the enemies of the United States and Israel; we've pleaded with Congress to stop the madness; and now, as the Muslim Brotherhood - the arm of terrorism - has been removed from "Office", Obama in taking his ball and going home.  Egypt has made it plain they don't want to play games with the Muslim Brotherhood or Obama anymore.

As for the violence, Mr. Obama, look no further than the reports of torture by the Morsi gang of thugs.  Where have you been this past year, when Christians and churches were burned, tortured and raped?!  Egyptians aren't the only people who understand your true character, and have decided, like American patriots, that the "Emperor" has no clothes.  

 Oh, how things changed since that speech in Cairo in 2009.