
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Who is Valerie Jarrett?

BREAKING NEWS! Benghazi Bombshell: Valerie Jarrett, Commander in Chief
Confidential sources have confirmed that Valerie Jarrett was the key decision-maker for the administration, the night of the Benghazi terrorist attack on 9/11/2012.
The chronology of the evening of 9/11 are as follows ->

Who is Valerie Jarrett?

Edward Klein
Jarrett’s official titlesenior adviser and assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement — doesn’t begin to do justice to her unrivaled status in the White House. She is Ground Zero in the Obama operation — the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the only White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.
“Valerie is the quintessential insider,” one of her longtime friends told me during an interview for my book, The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House. “She functions as the eyes, ears, and nose of the president and first lady. She tells them who’s saying what about who, who’s loyal and who’s not. She advises them about who they should see when they visit a city or a foreign country. She determines who gets invited to the White House and who is left out in the cold.”
In the White House pecking order, Jarrett has more clout than the president’s chief of staff. During the savage internecine warfare between Jarrett and Obama’s first two chiefs of staff — Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley — Obama sided most of the time with Jarrett, a classic limousine liberal who believes that Obama was elected president in order to engineer social change. Ultimately, Jarrett emasculated Emanuel and Daley and forced them from their jobs.         
She has also been responsible for much of the incompetence and amateurism that have been the hallmarks of Obama’s time in office. Indeed, Jarrett has been on the wrong side of practically every consequential issue to come across the president’s desk. Some examples of her bonehead advice:
● Though both Emanuel and political strategist David Axelrod warned Obama time and again that he didn’t have the votes to ram a comprehensive healthcare bill through Congress, Jarrett was among those who persuaded the president to ignore their advice and go for broke. The result: the hugely expensive, unworkable, unpopular, and probably unconstitutional program known as Obamacare.
● Emanuel tangled with Jarrett over her effort to put the prestige of the presidency behind Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Emanuel believed that Jarrett was working on behalf of her old boss, Mayor Daley, and his political cronies, who stood to benefit from the billions of dollars that would be spent on the Olympics. That idea seemed to be lost on the president, who went to Copenhagen to make an impassioned plea for the Olympics, and came back home with egg on his face.
● Jarrett gave her stamp of approval for the $535 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee to Solyndra, the California solar company that went belly up. Jarrett had close ties to the George Kaiser Family Foundation, which controlled 35.7 percent of Solyndra. The foundation had made a sizable donation to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where Jarrett once served as chairwoman and where one of Obama’s best friends, Eric Whitaker, is currently executive vice president.          
● When Jarrett pushed Obama’s proposal to require church-run hospitals and universities to give their employees free contraception, chief of staff Bill Daley secretly arranged an Oval Office meeting between the president and New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops, who argued that the policy violated the principle of religious freedom. When Jarrett learned about Daley’s end-run, she went to the president and vented her anger. After that, Daley realized his days were numbered and resigned.

Valerie Jarrett…Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Communist/Hidden Hand…Familial & Ideological Ties That Bind…Addendum To: Valerie Jarrett’s Communist Leanings…Why She MattersCommentary By Adina Kutnicki

Little attention was paid when “The One” selected Valerie Jarrett as his chief adviser. Heck, the main chatter, regarding her appointment, revolved around the inclusiveness of the POTUS, as he deigned to choose a woman to be his joined-at-the-hip-mate – politically speaking.
What a guy…a thoroughly modern first dude…unafraid to check his manhood at the door. You can’t make this crap up.
Never mind. Political sleighs of hand are often nothing more than smoke and mirrors. In fact, they are specifically designed to prop up the contrived media narrative. Therefore, the authentic ties that bind, the Radical-in-Chief to his Numero Uno political helpmate, demand the utmost scrutiny. Better late than never.
Having reported on their nexus through ‘Valerie Jarrett’s Communist Leanings & Why She Matters…’ - - it was patently clear that her background, and her closer than close relationship with the POTUS, was/is deeply relevant.
As such, the following article sharpens the focus, even more glaringly. 


Vernon Jarrett was close friend of communist Frank Marshall Davis’

“The recently discovered 1979 newspaper article by Vernon Jarrett – the father-in-law of senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, opens a new dimension to understanding Obama’s youth, as Vernon Jarrett was a close friend of Obama’s Communist Party-activist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
The connections were not lost on Joel Gilbert, the filmmaker whose documentary “Dreams from My Real Father” argues Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, was the biological as well as ideological father of Barack Obama, not the Kenyan who came to the University of Hawaii in 1959
In the column, which originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune Nov. 2, 1979, Jarrett reported a proposal by Islamic radical and former Black Panther Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Monsour, the lawyer previously known as Donald Warden, to work on behalf of Saudi Arabia and OPEC to provide $20 million for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year.
Davis and Vernon Jarrett were close friends in Chicago and colleagues at the Chicago Defender and the Chicago Star, two communist-run newspapers in the 1940s.
In early 1948, Davis and Jarrett served together on the publicity committee of the Citizen’s Committee to Aid Packing-House Workers, a communist-organized labor union that represented workers in the meatpacking industry.
“Very possibly Vernon Jarrett’s path crossed that of Frank Marshall Davis when Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis’ son, needed financing to attend Harvard,” Gilbert said.
“Remarkably,” he continued, “Obama was in Chicago at the time, and Jarrett was on the scene to find politically favorable funding from a former Black Panther turned Black Muslim in the person of Khalid Al-Monsour, who had a convenient relationship with one of the richest men in the world – Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.”
Gilbert carried the relationships full circle. As a former colleague of Davis in Chicago, he said, Jarrett had reason to want to connect Obama with al-Mansour’s funding program.
“But it doesn’t end there,” Gilbert continued. “Very possibly, Jarrett helped finance Frank’s son, possibly explaining why Obama would later return to use the connection once again, when he sought to get his wife, Michelle Obama, hired into Chicago Mayor Harold Washington’s office by none other than Valerie Jarrett, daughter-in-law of Vernon Jarrett.”
Gilbert noted the 1979 article also sheds light on the claim that veteran New York power broker and well-known attorney Percy Sutton intervened at the request of al-Mansour to write a letter of recommendation to get Obama into Harvard Law School.
“All it would have taken was for Vernon Jarrett to introduce Obama, the son of Frank Marshall Davis, to Al-Monsour,” Gilbert continued.
As WND reported in 2009, Sutton, then an octogenarian, explained on the New York-produced “Inside City Hall” television show that al-Monsour brought Obama to his attention.
Sutton said al-Mansour told him about Obama in a letter: “There’s a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends left there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”
Gilbert said al-Monsour might have known he could fund Obama through the Saudi prince, but first Obama had to get accepted into Harvard Law School for the plan to work. Al-Monsour realized Sutton had the necessary connections to make his recommendation credible to the Harvard Law School admittance committee, Gilbert said.
Gilbert also noted the 1979 article explains why Obama was so well accepted in the Chicago-based Muslim community, including by pro-Palestinian professor Rashid Khalidi and Syrian-born Democratic fundraiser Tony Rezko, who is now serving a prison sentence for fraud and bribery.
“Rezko and his many Arab-American partners funded Obama’s political campaigns, his state Senate races, his failed congressional race and his U.S. Senate campaign,” Gilbert explained. “It appears Obama’s academic career funders handed him off to Rezko’s Arab network to advance Obama’s political career. To what ends?”
Gilbert wondered if financial indebtedness to the Saudis might explain why Obama was so deferential as to bow to the Saudi king upon meeting him for the first time, at the G20 meeting in London in 2009.
“What did the Arab funders expect in return from Obama in return for the academic and political funding?” Gilbert asked.
“Is Barack Obama and the United States itself subject to blackmail, revealing the source of his academic funding, from those Arab funders if he does not follow their wishes?”
Gilbert continued speculating.
“Does the Jarrett-Al-Monsour connection dating from the time Obama went to Harvard explain why Obama has conducted an open-door policy for the Muslim Brotherhood to penetrate the White House, the State Department and even the U.S. military? How about Obama’s hostility toward Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu? Maybe the roots there go back to 1979 as well.”
WND reported the testimony of Allen Hulton, a U.S. Postal Service carrier who delivered mail to the home of Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers’ parents in suburban Chicago. Hulton says he was told by Mrs. Ayers that she and her husband helped finance Obama’s education at Harvard Law School.
“One thing is certain,” Gilbert concluded. “Obama comes out of a nexus of people in Chicago that includes not only Frank Marshall Davis and Vernon Jarrett but also Tony Rezko, Valerie Jarrett and the Bill Ayers family.”
He said the 1979 article “strongly suggests Obama used all of these connections to advance himself politically, and none of these connections were accidental.”
In reference to just one of the many mysteries surrounding the POTUS – “who’s Obama’s daddy?”- rest assured, this question is germane to the ties that bind him to Jarrett. This is because even if one believes that ‘Uncle Frank’ was really a family friend ( or possibly his birth papa ), it is beyond a shadow of a doubt their symbiotic relationship is revealed ( in many ways ) from the Radical-in-Chief’s own childhood narrative. Namely, that “Uncle Frank” was the most influential adult in his life – bar none. That ship has sailed.
Thus, extrapolating further, there is also little doubt that the path of Vernon Jarrett became intertwined with the Radical-in-Chief, at some point in his childhood. Naturally, when Valerie joined Vernon’s clan, she too entered the Radical-in-Chief’s personal orbit.
Most intrinsically, no one should dare be fooled by the diminutive stature of Valerie Jarrett, presupposing that she is a little bitty thing, hardly likely to cause much harm. Yes, people still ascribe such inanities of physical appearance to a person’s power, or lack thereof.
In a nutshell, Valerie Jarrett is as lethal as a poisonous snake, having ‘made her bones’ in the cesspool of Chicago power politics. Her real estate holdings are so vast; her power so out sized; many men, towering over her, are terrified of crossing swords with her – and this was before she became “The One”s’ alter ego! 
The White House buck starts (and stops) at Jarrett’s communist door.