
Friday, August 9, 2013

Zahra' Langhi: Why Libya's revolution didn't work -- and what might

FILMED DEC 2012 • POSTED FEB 2013 • TEDxWomen 2012

TRANSCRIPT (scroll down):
Almost two years have passed since the Libyan Revolution broke out, inspired by the waves of mass mobilization in both the Tunisian and the Egyptian revolutions. I joined forces with many other Libyans inside and outside Libya to call for a day of rage and to initiate a revolution against the tyrannical regime of Gaddafi. And there it was, a great revolution.Young Libyan women and men were at the forefront calling for the fall of the regime, raising slogans of freedom, dignity, social justice. They have shown an exemplary bravery in confronting the brutal dictatorship of Gaddafi. They have shown a great sense of solidarityfrom the far east to the far west to the south. Eventually, after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50,000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant.
Our society, shaped by a revolutionary mindset, became more polarized and has driven away from the ideals and the principles -- freedom, dignity, social justice -- that we first held. Intolerance, exclusion and revenge became the icons of the [aftermath] of the revolution. I am here today not at all to inspire you with our success story of the zipper list and the elections. I'm rather here today to confess that we as a nation took the wrong choice, made the wrong decision. We did not prioritize right. For elections did not bring peace and stability and security in Libya. Did the zipper list and the alternation between female and male candidates bring peace and national reconciliation? No, it didn't. What is it, then? Why does our society continue to be polarized and dominated with selfish politics of dominance and exclusion, by both men and women?

The 10 Countries with the Biggest Oil Reserves

9. Libya – 47,102-48,014 MMbbl

Libya is a country in North Africa that is currently undergoing reconstruction after the ouster of its former leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Its economy is largely dependent on the oil sector, with the commodity accounting for 97 percent of all its exports and 80 percent of its gross domestic product. The country has the largest proven reserves in Africa. It is a major contributor to the supply of light, sweet crude oil to the rest of the world.
Bee's note:
Here are scenes/photos of Libya.  I am not sure if the photos are an accurate picture of Libya today, after the Revolution that toppled Gaddafi; but as you can see, Libya was or is quite modern, with beautiful scenes, buildings, and architecture.  
The only pictures I have seen of Libya are those of Benghazi, taken the night our Ambassador Stevens and three other American heroes died - 9/11/2012.
After listening to Ms. Langhi's speech, I found myself curious enough to see what Libya actually looked like - without the al-Qaeda terrorists waving their guns in the air.  Much to my surprise, Libya is a lovely country.  
 "And so just as the womb entirely envelopes the embryo, which grows within it, the divine matrix of compassion nourishes the entire existence. Thus we are told that "My mercy encompasses all things." Thus we are told that "My mercy takes precedence over my anger." - Zahra' Langhi
How sad it is to see such beauty and goodness transformed into a world of horror, devastation, hopelessness, due to the embedded hatred of Islamist, who are the cause of 99% of the terrorism in our world today.
Like Zahra', I also pray that "mercy and compassion" shall rest upon the future generations of the citizens of Libya.    
Libya's archetecture
Welcome to Tripoli
Libya - Training Finance Professionals
What a different picture than the scenes Americans have had to see since last September: 
At this point in time, what difference does it make?