
Friday, September 13, 2013

Obama Appoints Hamas Supporter who Called Israelis Nazis to Commission on Religious Freedom

Obama Appoints Hamas Supporter who Called Israelis Nazis to Commission on Religious Freedom
September 12, 2013 By 

James Zogby called Hezbollah “the Lebanese armed resistance”, defended Hamas supporters and urging understanding Hamas. He was less understanding toward Jews calling Israelis “Nazis” and accusing Israel of perpetrating a Holocaust against the PLO.

A vehement opponent of freedom of speech, Zogby took the Islamist side of the Mohammed cartoon controversy, writing, “To declare, as some have, that such freedom is absolute is, of course, nonsense since every culture, by definition, has its taboos. The measure of a civilization is not the freedom it provides to defile taboos, but how respectful and sensitive it is to the taboos of diverse cultures, especially those within its midst.”
Zogby then implied that cartoons that offend Muslims should be banned.
But then there was this, “At a 2007 Arab American Institute forum, Zogby was cited by then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama as his “good friend,” whose support it was “an honor to have.”
So Zogby’s good friend appointed him to the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom where he can have a ball explaining why Muslim religious freedom requires taking away everyone else’s freedom.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.