
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syria’s Chemical WARFARE Not What It Appears

Commentary By Adina Kutnick
Syria’s Chemical WARFARE Not What It Appears: ‘Rebels’ Fingerprints Too. Why It Matters…

This site has CONSISTENTLY coined the warring between the so called Syrian‘rebels’ and Assad’s goons as ‘six of one, half a dozen of another’, as mentioned back in November 2012. No Islamic-washing on this end. The point being, BOTH factions are guilty of butchering the innocent, yet one is backed/armed by Obama Inc – ‘good’ terrorists vs ‘bad’ terrorists, via the depraved mindset of (im)moral relativists. The road to (western) hell is paved with PC, leftist delusions and their Islamic helpmates.

Alas, to properly catch the newly initiated up to speed, some backtracking is mandatory. Benghazigate, the result of an illegal war in Libya had several derivatives, but two stand out front and center: Arming the Syrian Brotherhood Mafia, of which Al Qaeda was an outgrowth – in tandem with other factions – and the attendant quid pro quo between Obama Inc. and Morsi’s Egyptian Brotherhood Mafia, designed to gain the release of the Blind terror Sheikh from imprisonment in America. Well, THAT plan went awry, hence, payback via dead Americans in Benghazi. Unintended geo-political blow back.

In fact, the Islamist-in-Chief’s failure to deliver the terror Sheikh’s freedom, plus the inability to cement Morsi’s hold on power, will have out-sized political consequences for Obama and surrogates – G-d willing. An 8 billion in baksheesh/bribery (courtesy of the American taxpayer’s kitty) between Obama Inc. and the Brotherhood Mafia (for sundry reasons) is drip, drip coming to light, as a poison pill from his ‘Brothers.’ You lie down with (Islamic) dogs…you wake up with more than fleas.

That being said, Obama & mouthpieces have dragged their heels repeatedly, even after knowing about Syria’s chemical warfare. Yet, time and again, the powers that be seemed less than concerned. Hell, Obama, wifey, ‘the girls’ and even the family pooch descended upon Martha’s Vineyard – chemical warfare reports be damned. Fellow freedom fighters at Watchdogs of Our Freedom – WOOF – said it best:


    When the Obamas embarked on their latest undeserved vacation, returning to Martha’s Vineyard in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts, they must have forgotten “Bo,” the presidential dog. For whatever reason, “Bo” flew separately to the sumptuous vacation resort, marking the first ever use of the MV-22 Osprey as a presidential conveyance. The cost was astronomical of course, but sequestration can’t keep Bo and O apart, not on your life! But, why the separate flight? WOOF suspects that after the long series of accidents and test-flight malfunctions that marked the early development of the MV-22, Bo was picked to ride in it first in case—well–you know! Fortunately all went well and the Obamas can continue to frolic in vacationland without a care while the country collapses! Good boy, Bo!

GO WOOFERS!! But let us not leave out an important vacation guest, the POTUS’s true ‘Love’ interest, his constant companion, though no longer on the White House official payroll – his ‘body double’.

Leaving his icky love life aside, and since the Pyromaniac-in-Chief understood – and he damn well did – that it was the ‘rebels’, a hodgepodge of Islamic groups he helped arm to topple Assad to empower the Brotherhood Mafia, who eventually utilized chemical weapons, wouldn’t that account for his hemming and hawing? But this does not exclude the real possibility that Assad’s goons did the same…and it could be a chicken egg scenario, as to who shot off the first chemical explosive.

So, it took time (not unlike their fairy tale stories re Benghazigate..the video made them do it..akin to the dog ate the homework fabrication) to concoct a scenario where Assad – and he alone – became culpable.

Most intrinsically, BOTH sides are Islamic barbarians, but a worldwide cry to DO something couldn’t be ignored, even by ‘The One’. So, we are now facing a full out missile war in the Mid East, but the upshot is: Regardless of the machinations of the wayward Commander-in-Chief innocent Syrians are being gassed, and if allowed to get away with such war crimes, surely their ante will be upped when Iran outwardly declares: “Yes, we too have nuclear weapons/WMD’s. Try and stop us…we will ‘gift’ them to any ‘holy’ warrior we damn well please, as we add, “Peace be upon him (Islam).” Yes, the ‘religion’ of ‘peace’ can kill anyone they deem a threat to the ummah and no one dares to thwart them. Let us admit in unison – there is power in numbers – and be done with it: Islam IS a death cult, no ifs, ands or buts.


Contrary evidence arises as U.S. considers punishing Assad regime

August 27, 2013
NEW YORK – As the U.S. considers a response to what it calls a chemical weapon attack by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime that killed hundreds of civilians, reliable Middle Eastern sources say they have evidence the culprits actually were the rebel forces trying to take over the government.
Secretary of State John Kerry accused the Assad government Monday of covering up the use of chemical weapons in “a cowardly crime” and a “moral obscenity” that shocked the world’s conscience. Kerry claimed the Obama administration had “undeniable” evidence “that the Assad government was culpable in the use of chemical weapons on civilians” in the Aug. 21 attack in Damascus suburbs.
Reports that the Obama administration is considering a military strike against the Assad government continued to circulate Monday. Meanwhile, U.N. weapon inspectors in Syria were fired upon by snipers as they attempted to investigate the site of the Aug. 21 attack.
Assad has rejected charges that his government forces used chemical weapons as “preposterous” and “completely politicized,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
He argues Syrian forces were in the targeted area.
“How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located?” Assad asked in the interview with Izvestia, according to a translation provided by Syria’s official news agency and published by the Los Angeles Times.
“This is preposterous! These accusations are completely politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army against the terrorists.”
Rebel attack?
With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled evidence from various Middle Eastern sources that cast doubt on Obama administration claims the Assad government is responsible for last week’s attack.
A video posted on YouTube, embedded below, shows Free Syrian Army, or FSA, rebel forces launching a Sarin gas attack on a Syrian village.
Another video posted on YouTube shows what appears to be Syrian rebel forces loading a canister of nerve gas on a rocket to fire presumably at civilians and possibly government forces.
As seen below, a screen capture from the video shows rebel civilian forces placing a suspicious blue canister on top of a rocket-launching device.
A separate YouTube video from Syrian television shows a government-captured arsenal of what appears to be nerve gas weapons seized from a rebel stronghold in Jobar, Syria.
The image below shows canisters in the seized rebel arsenal from Jobar that appear to resemble the canister launched by rebel forces in the first image above.
Syrian TV news report of rebel weapons seized in Jobar, Syria
A close-up from the Syrian television news report, seen below, shows a chemical agent identified as having been made by a “Saudi factory.”
Syrian TV news report showing chemical agents identified as manufactured in Saudi Arabia
A report from the Russian Arabic-language channel RT Arabic shows captured rebel arsenals apparently with chemical agents manufactured in Saudi Arabia and gas masks, supporting Russian claims that the rebels are the culprits in the alleged chemical attack.
On Aug. 23, hosted an audio recording of a phone call broadcast on Syrian TV between a terrorist affiliated with the rebel civilian militia “Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion” in Homs, Syria, and his Saudi Arabian boss, identified as “Abulbasit.” The phone call indicates rebel-affiliated terrorists in Syria, not the Assad government, launched the chemical weapons attack in Deir Ballba in the Homs, Syria, countryside.
The terrorist said his group, which comprises 200 terrorists escaped from al-Bayadah to al-Daar al-Kabera through a tunnel, needed to buy weapons to attack Homs.
The Saudi financier, who was in Cairo, asked the Syrian terrorists to give details about his group and how it will receive the money. The Saudi admitted his support to terrorists in Daraa and the Damascus countryside. The Syrian terrorist told him that one of the achievements of his “battalion” was the use of chemical weapons in Deir Ballba.
The recorded phone call disclosed the cooperation between two terrorist groups in Syria to bring two bottles of Sarin Gas from the Barzeh neighborhood in Damascus.
Russian media sources have consistently reported Syrian military have discovered rebel warehouses containing chemical weapons agents and have documented rebel chemical weapons attacks on the Syrian civilians the military.

That being said, Obama & mouthpieces have dragged their heels repeatedly, even after knowing about Syria’s chemical warfare. Yet, time and again, the powers that be seemed less than moved.

Now, since the Pyromaniac-in-Chief understood – and he damn well did – that it was the ‘rebels’ he helped arm who utilized chemical weapons, wouldn’t that account for his hemming and hawing?

By extension, we are now facing a full out missile war in the Mid East. Hence, Syria’s chemical warfare must be met with the harshest of military penalties. But no one should be foolish enough to give the Islamist-in-Chief kudos for stepping up to the plate. It would be akin to giving high fives to those who burn down forests, yet turn around and grab fire hoses to ‘assist’ in tamping down their handiwork. Same thing, but on a globally catastrophic scale!

PREDICTION: Whatever happens to Assad’s rule, rest assured, a hybrid leadership of Brotherhood/Al Qaeda will take its place. And, GO IDF!!
That’s all folks. 
UPDATE: Just came upon the following assessment from Northeast Intelligence Network. Concurs with this blog’s thesis. 
FURTHER UPDATE: Western Center For Journalism - Revealed: Obama Planned Attack On Syria In 2011shoring up this site’s main thesis – Barack HUSSEIN Obama went to war in Libya, in order to arm the Brotherhood Mafia in Syria, of which Al Qaeda is a principal partner!