NOTE: OMG, do you think Obama's administration read Planck's Constant list posted on January 8, 2012, what are Jews Good For in Science and Discovery? Well, if so, someone needs to explain to Ms. Clinton, that the Israeli scientists' contribute to the world, not drain the world! It seems to me that this administration expects Americans to jump for joy over the fact that it is using America's "goodwill" at the expense of many Americans unemployed, without two cents to rub together, and an economy that is comparable to the Crash of the late 1920's to aid Muslim countries that apparently can't even educate their own citizens! Once again, we witness Islamic countries with hands held out for "gifts" on silver platters, while Americans can't afford to pay college tuition for their own families. Way to go, Hillary and here's your sign .... "Idiot".
ATLAS SHRUGS/ By Pamela Geller
More preferential treatment for the "special class." It galls me that my taxpayer dollars are going to fund this. Sick.Hillary Clinton Offers 'World Class' Education in the U.S. to Women from Muslim Countries CNS (hat tip Craig)The U.S. government is partnering with dozens of U.S. colleges to provide women from Muslim counties with a "world-class" education in science, technology, engineering and math.
Sec, of State Hillary Clinton announced that the scholarship program will "create new opportunities for women from predominantly Muslim nations to pursue world-class undergraduate educations in science, technology, engineering, and math."
Secretary Clinton is a graduate of Wellesley College, one of the many all-female schools participating in the NeXXt Scholarshipprogram.
The State Department said it is partnering with nearly 40 women's colleges to provide a "high-quality" education in science, technology, engineering and math. In addition, the scholarship program will provide mentorship, networking, support, and enrichment activities for the foreign students.