Monday, January 23, 2012

What takes your breath away?

Americans Stand with Israel
Monday, January 22, 2013
by Bee Sting

Double Rainbow!!! Double Rainbow!!!
// July 11th, 2010
This is ‘so intense’. This dude is awesome and it’s amazing how excited he gets over this! Not making fun. Would be cool if we could all wrap our minds and hearts around something that took our breath away.

Early this morning I came across this video on the blog of Jason Bradford.  Listening to the man's emotions as he tried to capture the double rainbow was amazing!  Only once in my lifetime have I seen a double rainbow. We were living on top of a mountain and after a brief summer shower, the rainbow arched over our mountain and the sight was so beautiful, I ran inside to grab the camera and took photos of the sky, the rainbow, and the tips of the mountain tops surrounding us.  However, like the photographer on the video, nothing could describe the beauty or the colors - no, not even the camera - you just had to be there and see it with your own eyes and that was something that had indeed taken my breath away!  It was August, 1991, just before our daughter's wedding when that rainbow appeared and the wedding is how I remember the date.

It may be a particular sound you hear, like the soft cry of a newborn baby; or the sounds of a young child's prayer; a wedding ceremony of your child all grown up; or, sitting by the bedside of your life long partner, who is preparing to leave this earth and begin a new journey - one we cannot follow and those are things that take my breath away.  Whether in shock, or in times of joy, our breath is taken away for a brief moment in time ... just as this man on the video kept crying out "My God, my God" - was like a praise to our Creator for the absolute joy in seeing one of our Father's creations that leave us speechless - unable to express in words what was set before us.

I would have sent Jason Bradford a message to thank him for this video.  However, upon further reading, it appears Jason has left a message on his blog, saying that due to "burn out", he would be moving on and no longer working on his blog.  How sad, not to have know him.  I read about him, and he describes himself as a man who loves music, he's a husband, father and enjoys life.  He's a great writer, holds your interest, and enjoys posting both music and funny photos.

When you come across an interesting blog and then see the writer has hung up his computer much the way an old cowboy hangs up his guns, there is a moment of sadness for all who had missed an opportunity to know the person behind his/her writings.  I can't help but wonder how Jason is doing today.  He had lost both his grandparents shortly before he stopped writing and I can understand his loss, his grief, and where ever he is today, whatever he is doing, I wish him great success and happiness.

He made me think this morning of things that took my breath away!  Enjoy the rainbows and remember, always, rainbows are so few in our lifetime, we need to appreciate all the people and goodness that enters our life, even if it is for just a brief moment.