Friday, November 18, 2011

UPDATE: For the Christians ... "It's a "holiday" tree in the White House this year"

Note:  Some one posted the following on my Facebook page and thought I would share it with everyone:
Yolanda Mercedes's Photos

 Obama has announced that there will not be Christmas trees at the White house this year. They will be called Holiday Trees
Obama says this is no longer a Christian Country, it's a country of many faiths.
 We as Americans must send the message to Obama that this Country was founded on 
Judeo--Christian beliefs.

Bee's note:

You would be amazed at the comments being left on Facebook since this latest announcement from the White House has been posted earlier today!  Judeo-Christian is a term used in the United States since the 1940s to refer to standards of ethics said to be held in common by Judaism and Christianity, for example the Ten Commandments

Early on in his presidency, Obama gave a speech in Cairo, and he made it clear then that he did not consider the United States to be a "Christian" nation; he puffed up the Muslims by speaking of their "many" contributions they have contributed to the United States since its founding.  He then continued his "apology tour" to the Islamic nations, whereas he apologized to the world for America's "mistakes" and most recently, this past week, he continues to slam Americans, by telling the world he believes "Americans are lazy", etc.

Now, we're all allowed a little leeway when it comes to making announcements and/or speeches, but when the President of the United States forgets that the United States most certainly was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs; and one reads what Thomas Jefferson had to say about Islam; we know the on-going war with Islam goes way back and long before their attack on this nation on September 11, 2011.  Islam has been at war with the world for the past 1400 years; they may change some tactics, but war and blood shed is the only thing they know and until Islam changes its teachings, it will continue to war and conquer for another 1400 years.

I just wonder if BHO has completed rewriting the history of the United States, or if he plans to continue lying to the world until we vote him out of office in 2012. .... Just wondering!

By the way, America is a nation of many beliefs but that is not the point - the point being it's greatness was founded on the beliefs of our founding fathers; that included the Ten Commandments (now removed from the walls of our government/Court houses) and NOT on the Koran/Muslim beliefs.  Secondly, the Muslim populations in America is running about 2% (or less) in America - certainly does not make America a "Muslim" nation.  And, the last polls taken still show Christianity as being the majority among religions in the United States.

Lastly, Obama's ran his campaign professing to be a "Christian"; and no Christian calls their Christmas tree a "Holiday" tree.  Christmas is one of the highest holy days celebrated by Christians; they wish each other a"Merry and a Holy Christmas" - not "Happy Holidays".  At a time when folks are depending more and more on their faith during these hard times and "Depression", it is an insult to Christians to have a president attempt to remove the meaning of Christmas - especially a president who claims to be a Christian and "defender of the faith".

To all our Christian friends, may we be one of the first to say, A very Merry Christmas!  May your families and loved ones be blessed throughout the coming New Year.  


Now this news posted by Bare Naked Islam may explain why BHO is banning the use of the word "Christmas" from the White House Christmas trees.  Oh, for the days when Bush had videos of his Scottish Terrier Barney running around the White House helping to trim the Christmas tree!

British Red Cross bans Christmas so as not to ‘offend’ Muslims - Bare Naked Islam

So, there you have it ... Obama does not wish to offend his Muslims friends and since we're aware of how easily the Muslims are offended at the mention of religious beliefs of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and all non-Muslim celebrations, guess the word "Christmas, along with words like "Islamist terrorists" are removed with the stroke of a pen/computer/White House websites, from the lips of Obama.  

Oh, for a US President who allows the traditions of the American people to be carried on, without fear of offending a few Muslims.  Interestingly enough, the next time Obama intends to celebrate Ramadan in the White House, I think we all should tell him to cease and desist, as that offends Americans who remember 9/11.