Friday, January 6, 2012

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it !! - Friday, January 6, 2012

Long before the age of computers and during a time when TV's were not in every home, young "paperboys" shouting "Extra! Extra!"would stand on street corners and usually, passerby's and anyone in hearing distance would rush up and purchase a newspaper, anxious to read the Headlines.  What news had they missed while working in their offices all day?  What was all the commotion about?

Today, receiving the latest news is no longer a problem, unless you live in a cave.  News flashes across the TV screens 24-7.  Newspapers are almost a thing of the past, since anyone with an I-phone, computer, or other hand-held device allows one to connect to the latest news with a click of a button.

However, what is "news'?  I mean news that will absolutely stop the clocks?!  

Once the latest news is announced, it is no longer "news"!  You've heard it, read it, and while its sinking in, in case you missed it the first time, news stations across the land will repeat it over and over again, 24-7 until you either can repeat it word for word, or change the station to watch anything but the "news"!  

As good Americans, we've become robot-like, with one of those computer chips inside us, and programmed into thinking and believing whatever has been told us during the past 24 hours.  No need to seek out information, or check into whatever news has crept across the airwaves - we are informed and are comfortable thinking "I heard it on the news - it must be true."


What you hear continually, repeatedly, does not scrape the surface of what is happening within our country and across the globe.  There are no "Extra, Extra's! Read all about it!"  Why?  Because if you aren't reading honest to goodness, news-worthy information that would assist you in making serious decisions within your own personal life, and you know nothing about plans being made that would deeply affect you by our government, you will not raise a peep, blink an eye, have your conscience disturbed, and be forced to dig deeper for information.  And, you certainly won't have to feel the necessity of having to contact your local or federal representatives

And that, dear folks, is how presidents are elected!  How wars begin that you were not even aware were being organized behind the scenes - sometimes without even approval or discussions with Congress.  

If someone claims that a candidate is "extreme" - why, the last thing you want to do is vote for an extremist!  After all, you heard it on the 6 o'clock news!  No need to check out a person's record or background - you heard it on the "news"!  Why is America in trouble today?  Too many listened, believed and voted for the false promises of "HOPE and CHANGE" AND "hope and change" was chanted across the airwaves morning, noon and night until America closed her eyes, believed the chanting promises of an unknown young "star" who arrived on the political scene, and without question, the dye was cast and America has wept over her mistake these past three plus years!

It's happening again, folks!  The chanting has begun!  The news pundits and "journalists" are chanting their reasons for thinking each candidate is not worthy, has too much baggage, to actually become President of the United States - might as well just throw in the towel, take your medicine, and plan on four more years with BHO.  

Listen!  The fight hasn't yet begun and all the information you need is at your finger tips!  Don't believe the lies - America cannot afford four more years with a leaderless, lying, socialist-agenda, American-hating, Muslim-loving apologist (to our enemies, no less!), and the list is endless as he adds to that list daily, every time he opens his mouth.  No one shouts "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!"  WARNING!!

Americans, this year, 2012, is the defining moment - America will either be saved from those who wish her harm and be brought back from the brink of destruction, or blindly, you will allow those in power today to complete their task of turning American into another "Third World" country, kissing goodbye forever the liberty and freedom our forefathers and young men and women today fought so hard for ... .  The choice is ours and after all the votes are in come November, may we be able to shout from the rooftops, "EXTRA! EXTRA! A NEW PRESIDENT HAS BEEN CHOSEN!"

Each Friday, Americans stand with Israel will run an "Extra! Extra!" article, posting links to news that is either being blacked out or simply ignored by the main stream media. .... Bee Sting