Friday, October 7, 2011

Congresman Calls For Resignation Of Eric Holder

Congresman Calls For Resignation Of Eric Holder Over Botched Operation Fast & Furious

Operation Fast & Furious has resulted in the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, and ICE Special Agent Jaime Zapata.
Blood is on Eric Holder’s hands…
Congressman Raul Labrador is now calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over the botched Operation Fast & Furious.
The DC reported:
Rep. Raul Labrador, an Idaho Republican, called on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign Thursday, after “Operation Fast and Furious” documents surfaced showing he knew about the scandal and its intricate details.

“I first learned about Fast and Furious early this year from several of my constituents,” Labrador said in a release. “I then asked Chairman Issa to hold hearings on the topic. As I attended the hearings and reviewed the evidence, I was careful to not jump to any conclusions about the extent of Mr. Holder’s involvement. However, the recently published documents that directly link Mr. Holder to Fast and Furious have convinced me that he is either lying or grossly incompetent.”

The new documents directly contradict Holder’s May 3 congressional testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. It is also at odds with what the U.S. Department of Justice has publicly claimed since some documents surfaced earlier this week showing that Holder was briefed on the controversial gun-walking program.

House Oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa has already said that Holder is either incompetent as a leader, or has deliberately deceived Congress while under oath.

When that first round of documents emerged this week, Justice Department officials almost immediately claimed Holder misunderstood questions from Issa and Utah GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz at the May 3 hearing during which Holder said he had only known about “Fast and Furious” for a few weeks.

CBS News reported after those documents came out, however, that the DOJ claimed Holder did know about Fast and Furious, but was unaware of its specific details.

On Tuesday, Rep. Chaffetz told TheDC that the DOJ’s response won’t “hold any water,” since Holder had several chances during the hearing — and has had many more since — to clarify or correct his testimony to ensure its accuracy.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who led the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious with Issa, said these new documents prove Holder knew the details of the operation and debunk the DOJ’s latest explanation.