Thursday, July 04, 2013
Much Of The World Still Hates Jews
Our Anti-Semitic World
By: J. D. Longstreet
By: J. D. Longstreet
Today, the world's hatred of the Jews is just as vehement, just as rabid, as it was
when Hitler was murdering six million of them in his gas chambers and
concentration camps in Europe in the 1930's and 1940's. Frankly, I am not sure
that given a chance to do it again, much of the world would just stand by, again,and allow it to happen. Millions would simply look the other way... then claim theywere not aware it was happening. Sound familiar? It does to my generation.
There is a sickness deep down in the rotten core of the human race that allows ahatred this deep. You want to see racism? You want to see bigotry, you want to
see black, mindless, wrathful hate, and pure stinking jealousy? Then look into
the souls of the people who will allow a country, Israel, to be pounded day after
day by a people sworn to wipe them from the face of the earth, a people who willnot even recognize the right of the Jews to exist, to live, to breath, and walk thesame earth as they do. There you will see the blackness of hell.
Those who support the people who spend their days and nights searching forways to kill, maim, and in any way possible, deny the basic right of life to a wholepeople (because they are Jews) are, themselves, assuredly assigned to thedeepest, hottest, level of Hell itself.
Someone must stand up and call them what they are... angels of perdition,angels of death.
Israel, the ancestral homeland of the Jews, has been a country since the late1940's. Within twenty-four hours of the United Nations proclaiming them a
state, they were attacked, from all quarters, by the Arabs.
That tiny, little, infant of a country managed to whip every last one of the Arabcountries coming against them.
Every day since 1948 Israel has had to fight to exist. From kidnappings towholesale slaughter of the Israelis -- the world has watched and pretendednot to see. That is sick, people!
To really seal the diagnosis of pathological Jew hatred, the nations of the world,by and large, point accusing fingers at Israel when she attempts to defend herself.It never fails.
The international representatives to the United Nations stumble over each other ina rush to condemn Israel for going after the people who have been sendingrockets into Israeli territory killing Israelis. The International Media brought usstories of dead (so-called) Palestinian children and old men and women. Where
was the same international press to tell us the stories of the dead Israelis from
the rocket blasts and the suicide bombers and the kidnapers sent into Israel by
those who fund the perpetrators of their godless evil? All you ever need to knowabout the international media can be learned by picking up a newspaper today,or watching a TV newscast today. They are shouting their bigotry from therooftops of the world!
This world-wide hatred of the Jews is a sickness. It pollutes the souls of mankind.
It pollutes everything we human beings touch. It must be, it HAS to be, a foul
stench in the nostrils of God.
Those of us who profess the Christian faith pray to Christ and say we believethat Christ is the Son of God. People, I have news for you! Jesus was a JEW!Talk about hypocrisy!
Why DOES the world hate the Jews? Why? Maybe it is because, as some havesaid, the Land of Israel is a constant reminder of God to a world which has largelyrejected the very existence of God. And yet... there is little Israel, standing in theface of six or seven countries all vowing to wipe them from the face of the earth.Yet, they stand... and continue to stand... no matter what is thrown at them.
I can give you the answer I learned in Sunday School -- and at my father's kneeas a child. That answer is that God made Israel a promise. He gave them thatland as their own forever.
By the way, the land given Israel, by God, today includes the countries of: Jordan,Syria, Lebanon, the land called today "The Palestinian Territory," as well as theland we know today as the state of Israel ... and MORE.
Now, I am not a very good Christian. In fact, I expect I'd make a pretty goodPharisee. But, I believe that God does not make promises He does not planto keep... and once made... it is for darned sure God does not break His promises.Otherwise, my entire faith is a fallacy and as the apostle said I, amongst all men,are the most to be pitied.
My American family hails from the northern parts of western Europe. Ageographical area that used to be, and by all appearances today, remains ahotbed of antisemitism. My ancestral home embarrasses me.
Europeans are quick to boast of their belief in Human Rights. It would certainlyseem they mean Human Rights for everyone but the Jews of Israel. My fellowAmericans who support those who call for the demise of Israel embarrass meas well.
I believe we are quickly approaching the time, in the cosmic scheme of things,when the sheep will be divided from the goats. The nations of the world are going
to be called upon, soon, to decide, as nations, with whom they stand, Israel...
or those who call for her death. Those nations blind enough, and hate-filled enough,
to choose to stand with Israel's oppressors ... are doomed. I cannot put it any moresuccinctly than that. God himself has said "I will bless those who bless you (Israel),and I will curse those who curse you." An accounting IS coming. It cannot be
The world is awash in antisemitism. If you have any doubt about that, be sure topick up your newspaper tomorrow morning and scan its pages for the inevitablestories of the way the terrible Israelis are slaughtering the "Palestinians."
The hate spewing media cannot help themselves. They have made theircommitment to go against God and there will be a price extracted. Watch assome of the most powerful and influential news organizations on the face of theplanet are going out of business and, in the process, suffering a very public,humiliating, long drawn-out death. They have chosen their path and they arenow powerless to do anything about it.
In the meantime, we will continue to pray for Israel's success in the on-going waragainst the forces of evil. Israel WILL be victorious. Of that, I have no doubt.
© J. D. Longstreet
Bee's note:
Listen to: Diaspora Minister Bennett Speaking at the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism